Shauinman web design


Shauinman is famous by developing sFIR(scalable Inman Flash Replacement) way, which we can use font without considering default fonts at various browsers.
Anyway, his web design is elegant and good design except font size(62.5%!!). I can't read his articles well… He use ajax, which web designers has been using the top at site and/or bottom. Shauinman uses both top and bottom. Seemingly, he can't use any CMS such as WordPress, Movabletype and Textpattern… I'm wondering how he maintains his web sites including blog without using CMS.

He has been using Movable Type!
Thanks Anthony

2 Responses to “Shauinman web design”

  1. Anthony Says:

    he…uses Moveable Type. Duh.

  2. designbeauty Says:

    Thank you! I didn’t know that.
    Huu, he uses MT!!

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